Rymmwyda Stahlrysswyn


  • Race Roegadyn

  • Gender Female

  • Age 25

  • Deity Llymlaen

  • Height 7'3"/221 cm

  • Weight 285 lbs/129 kg

  • Hair Color Midnight

  • Eye Color Ultramarine


  • Likes Fighting, money, gambling, good food, a good friendly competition, the ocean

  • Dislikes Charity, quips about her height

  • Hobbies Exercise, travel, sightseeing, gambling


Rymmwyda is very much a tale of two people and personalities. In larger groups, she tends to act in a headstrong and brash manner, wanting to show off and display her strength when appropriate. Headstrong to a fault, Rymmwyda feels a need to prove herself to everyone and rise to the occasion, especially when it comes to competition. This can get her into trouble, and while she doesn't have the best way with words, she can easily hold her own in a fight should she need to defend herself.

Those that manage to catch her alone see a different side of the warrior. Despite her bravado and rambunctiousness, Rymmwyda is much more subdued and insecure about herself than she lets on. While not exactly a front, she lets down her guard more readily in front of those she considers true friends in more intimate settings. She is also slightly self-conscious about her height, being on the very tall end of the spectrum for roegadyn women.


Orphaned at a young age, Rymmwyda grew up in the seedier underbelly of Limsa Lominsa. She did what was necessary to survive, usually begging for gil and stealing what bits of scraps for food she could. As she grew older, due to her growing size and stature, others began to see her as a threat to their survival. It was here that Rymmwyda began her foray into bare-knuckle brawling. While this seemed to be a common way to settle disputes among sailors who many have had a few too many drinks, it was frowned upon by the local militia.

Rymmwyda's penchant for fighting drew the ire of the Storm, and after a bout in which she almost killed a man, she was thrown into jail. Her notoriety on the streets did little to help her in her imprisonment, and she was roughed up by several inmates looking for a bit of petty vengeance for wrongs against them -- justified or not. This greatly affected Rymmwyda's view of herself in the world, and she withdrew into herself quite a bit after that, seemingly cowed by the idea that people were able to take her on if they really wanted to do so.

Upon her release, a member of the Storm approached her with an offer: join up in the military and use her somewhat-violent tendencies for a better cause, or leave before she just causes more trouble and became an actual jailbird. Deciding that she really had nothing to lose, Rymmwyda hitched a ride with a traveling merchant, wanting to know what else was out there...

( Made with Carrd )